A Utopian Adventure

The world has gone crazy, increasingly day by day….. we can change camps.

There’s every reason to be fearful, alarmed, perplexed and anxious about all that’s going on in our neighbourhoods, nations and the world at large; if you don’t have Jesus.

I said if you don’t HAVE JESUS.

Jesus is to be had, to be received, to be tasted, to be ingested, to be indwelt. Humans were created by and for His glory.

The enemy’s running rampant, knowing His time is short. It’s up for him, kaput! The end is nigh.

But for those of us who have Jesus and for those who may be curious and long for the good news of a world and existence beyond the one common to man, on planet earth, there is another life.

There is another way… it’s not for the fainthearted, or let me re-word that, it is for the fainthearted who have an iota of faith to believe that even when their hearts fail, God will be the strength of their hearts and their portion continually (Psalm 73:26 paraphrased).

The world has gone crazy, increasingly day by day, and that’s because the evil one is gaining more access to the souls and bodies of men, expressing himself through them.

In the same way that God is Spirit (with a capital S), and indwells the hearts of His children, expressing His life through our mortal bodies (when we give Him access), the enemy is a fallen evil spirit and can only operate through physical bodies.

Jesus comes into us when we believe His word, open up to Him and allow His love to break down the walls and barriers that prevent His love from reaching us. His love melts our bitterness, heals our pain, fills our hearts and transforms us from the inside out.

Ya’ll it’s from the inside out! We’re not fully cleansed until the Lord is doing an inside job. Why was Jesus outraged at the Pharisees?

Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean – Matt 23:26.

Jesus needs to deal with the issues of our heart. He’s unable to fully fill us without this cleansing.

The enemy takes a cue from everything Father God does, turns it on its head, and seeks to use it to ensnare us unsuspecting humans.

Case in point – the rainbow. A symbol of God’s covenant with mankind, turned on its head and used in a way to degrade the significance and meaning of the original symbol.

He’s finding entrance through the ear gate – what we hear and listen to, the eye gate – what we see and watch (what appeals to our natural appetites), and wants to indwell, dominate and control us, but Jesus tells us not to be enslaved to a yoke of slavery!

Everything the enemy offers is bait, the hook to lure us into coming under his enslavement but Jesus came with one mission! To set the captives free and give mankind life. Real life, not a life that expires at the demise of the physical part of our existence.

So, you thought a guy that molested and killed a teenager was the evil one? No, it’s the spirit that gained access to the molester’s soul that’s evil. The molester is a captive.

In these last days, humans will be filled with either of two entities, the Creator or the fallen insidious creature. There is no neutral ground.

We were sold into the slavery of sin by the trickery of the fallen one and belonged to him, but we can change camps.